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Snacks & Partner Facts: United School Supplies

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM (EDT)

Event Details

NEW Partner Alert! Join us for today's new partner Snacks & Partner Facts with United School Supplies. USS packs and delivers back-to-school supply kits customized to match each grade level on your supply list.  USS provides excellent customer service and has successfully delivered to hundreds of satisfied schools.  Our kits include quality brand name supplies, including Avery, Crayola, Elmer’s, Expo, Fiskars, Kleenex, Lysol/Clorox, Sharpie, Ticonderoga, and Ziploc.
Schools can place one order for all students (most schools charge a supply fee, perhaps $50-$75, to offset this cost) or offer parents the convenient option of ordering a kit from (use sample code 720520 to see how easy it is).  A single school order ensures all students have the same high-quality supplies.

a white and black watch

Thirty minutes of your time will allow you to get to know this MISBO Consortium Partner and how they can become a resource for your school. Click on Registration Options above to RSVP!

For More Information:

Susan Kimmel
Susan Kimmel
Director of the Purchasing Consortium MISBO (404)920-8844