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Snacks & Partner Facts: Educational Collaborators

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM (EST)

Event Details

Sustainable Staffing in Changing Times

In the 2023 Hot Issues Survey, published by NAIS, 100% of respondents reported that “finding and retaining staff as workplace expectations shift” is a Top Challenge. Though this is a challenge across the organization for schools, the costs are particularly high in the technology space. Technology investments ballooned during the pandemic. The opportunity loss costs of not properly supporting these investments is extraordinary. Finding, retaining, and paying for quality IT and Academic Tech staff has never been harder, especially for smaller schools. Come join our interactive panel discussion to learn how Educational Collaborators, one of our long time providers, can help you address these needs, with a clear and consistent focus on K12 Independent Schools.

Thirty minutes of your time will allow you to get to know this MISBO Consortium Partner and how they can become a resource for your school. Click on Registration Options above to RSVP!

Michael CarsonMichael Carson has been in the field of education for over a decade. Having served in positions from Music Teacher for DC Public Schools to Director of Technology Innovation at McLean School, Michael has explored and gained experience in many areas of K12 education. He is currently K12 Solutions Specialist and Community Engagement Manager for Educational Collaborators, a national consulting organization that helps schools realize their vision for educational technology.

For More Information:

Susan Kimmel
Susan Kimmel
Director of the Purchasing Consortium MISBO (404)920-8844