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Webinar: The Fundamental Principles of Crisis Leadership

Wednesday, October 18, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

 preparedness and response

Crises are known to have a myriad of issues blended together and launched at the crisis leaders at the speed of crisis. How do you know which data presented to you are action-worthy vs which are artifacts? What decisions should you make swiftly? What decisions allow time for analysis-paralysis? How does one escape analysis paralysis once it’s recognized? How might we consolidate the perspectives of multiple leaders into a single, decisive, and organizational perspective? In this session, participants will be able to understand key lessons from recent active shooter events with a focus on preparedness and response, and define the core leadership principles of keeping students safe.

Meet the Speaker

Chris JoffeChris Joffe is the Founder and CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, a company wholly dedicated to – and leader in – school safety programs, event safety, and emergency preparedness. Chris has spent his career dedicated to making the world safer, and over the past decade, he and his team have worked with thousands of schools across the country to provide training, consultation, and support. Chris studied paramedicine at UCLA and earned his Master's in Technology, Business, and Integrated Design at the University of Southern California (USC). Chris stays sane by running marathons and enjoys reading, horseback riding, and aviation.

CPE Information

  • Learning Objective: Attendees will review the leadership skills and principals needed to effectively respond to a variety of crisis.
  • Field of Study: Personal Development
  • Instructional Method: Group Internet Based
  • Program level: Basic
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Advanced Preparations: None
  • Recommended CPE Credits 1.0 in Personal Development.


All webinars are $50 per session but are FREE to anyone from a MISBO member school. Webinars are one hour in length and begin at 2pm ET.

CPE Credit

MISBO is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

Additional Information

For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint, refund, and cancellation, call the office at 404-921-3812 or please use the following link: MISBO Webinar Administrative Policies.

Webinar FAQs

For More Information:

Dianne Sagaas
Dianne Sagaas
Director of Professional Development MISBO (404)921-3812