The Voucher Debate: Take it or Leave it?
Event Details
The Voucher Debate: Take it or Leave it?
Vouchers have been and continue to be a hot topic. Each state is different and today we will hear from Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee to see what we can learn together. Tennessee's legislation is the most recent and perhaps one of the most favorable in terms of requirements from the school - but before taking any vouchers, you should be informed of the benefits and the risks.
Meet the Facilitator
Damian Kavanagh
Damian has been President & CEO of MISBO since 2017, leading the largest regional association for independent school operations professionals. Before that, he spent seven years with SAIS, overseeing accreditation and membership programs. He has facilitated nearly 1,000 workshops for school leaders, universities, and associations, and consulted for schools of all types. Damian has presented at numerous conferences on independent school effectiveness and sustainability. A former teacher, coach, and administrator, he holds degrees in Latin literature, a Doctorate in Education, and the Certified Association Executive designation. He is also an accomplished lacrosse coach and official.
Speakers to include:
- Paul Patterson, Executive Director for WELS School Accreditation (Wisconsin)
- David Adams, South State Bank (North Carolina)
- Alan Stob, Grandview Preparatory School (Florida)
- Mark Vosskamp, Girls Preparatory School (Tennessee)
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