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Webinar: Understanding Workplace Investigations

Wednesday, March 27, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

Understanding Workplace Investigations

The initial response to an allegation of workplace misconduct can determine whether the matter can be resolved quickly or descend into a quagmire of litigation.  A critical part of the initial response is the investigation of the allegations of misconduct.  If done correctly, the initial investigation can provide administration with the information it needs to defuse a potentially volatile situation.  Done improperly, the “investigation” can provide a disgruntled employee with potent evidence in support of a retaliation or whistleblower claim.  This session will examine the dos and don’ts of investigating allegations of harassment or discrimination misconduct and provide attendees with the tools necessary to gather and use information in support of employment actions.  

Meet the Speaker(s)

Ilanit Fischler is a partner in Fisher & Phillips’s Fort Lauderdale office. She represents employers in a broad range of matters relating to the workplace, including claims of unlawful discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wage and hour, and contract disputes before federal and state courts, and administrative agencies.

CPE Information

  • Learning Objective: Attendees will review the critical actions to be taken in a workplace misconduct response.
  • Field of Study: Personnel/Human Resources
  • Instructional Method: Group Internet Based
  • Program level: Basic
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Advanced Preparations: None
  • Recommended CPE Credits 1.0 in Personnel/Human Resources.

Additional Information

For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint, refund, and cancellation, call the office at 404-921-3812 or please use the following link: MISBO Webinar Administrative Policies.

Webinar FAQs

For More Information:

Dianne Sagaas
Dianne Sagaas
Director of Professional Development MISBO (404)921-3812