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May 1 was Day 1. We walked down the Embarcadero in San Francisco to the IDEO office complex at Pier 28, taking in the morning and being passed by...

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This post is written in support and response of an article in the Spring 2017 edition of Independent School Magazine Article: The Search for True...

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MISBO offers a number of options for your school’s insurance needs. Explore some of the member school savings possible by working with the...

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The MISBO Board of Directors is thrilled to share some wonderful news! Thanks to the outstanding and tireless work of our MISBO Executive Director...

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Recently a colleague sent me a note asking what I thought of the concept of continuous re-enrollment for their independent school. The concept seems...

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Two important pieces of information have come to my attention in the past several days that I want to pass along to MISBO schools and all who find...

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Independent schools are businesses, and I believe that we must continue to reinforce this fact to our heads of school, trustees, faculty, staff,...

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During the recent MISBO Human Resources Intensive held in Atlanta, there was robust conversation about two issues that schools deal with on a...

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We were recently asked to poll our members asking about existing “Moonlighting” policies. MISBO polled our member schools and compiled a...

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It is common at this time of year to hear a lot of questions about tuition remission policies at independent schools. MISBO has polled our member...

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There has been much discussion about whether independent schools are subject to the provisions for the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). My research and...

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