Fun with Purchasing: July 2024 DER Portal News

Posted By: Amelia Daul Fun With Purchasing,

DER Ordering Portal

Ordering season is here! 

If you have not submitted your Digital Educational Resource your licenses might be expiring soon!

Be sure to submit your cart.

Check out the "Buy Again" tab to make your life easier!

graphical user interface, text, application

Start Your Order

If you have not ordered before and would like assistance, e-mail

Sora / Overdrive

SOra/Overdrive is a misbo partner

If you are interested in purchasing Sora/Overdrive through MISBO or if you're looking to renew your subscription, please reach out to Lindsay Crist Lawson at Sora/Overdrive directly. 

Email Lindsay

free der trials

Did you know . . . 

MISBO has a whole page dedicated to free trial that our partners are offering? 

Check out which partners you can try for free!

Learn More

Consortium Highlights


ELA & Math Support for Grades K-8

Teachers look for ways to jumpstart learning as the school year gets underway. ScootPad pinpoints learning gaps, personalizes each student’s learning path, and offers valuable learning insights on Day 1. Find out more:

Learn More

a drawing of a handTeachingBooks

TeachingBooks Teaching Ideas: August 2024

Explore resources for jumping-off points that deepen discussions, inspire reading interest, and support connections to books and authors. Easily share and include in your instructional plans, newsletters, and social media.

Summer Olympics    Back To School     Around The World With Books

logo, company nameEBSCO

Exciting changes are coming to your reference databases! 

Last year, EBSCO moved History Reference Source, Science Reference Source and our DIY databases to the new Explora research experience for schools and public libraries. Next month (July), we will automatically move four more reference databases to Explora.

Learn More

    Updated Buyer's Guide


    A school’s purchasing program should be grounded in the tenets of the school’s mission and values. For over 40 years MISBO has built the most complete consortium that exists with a foundation dedicated exclusively to independent schools.

    Through this network, we continue the tradition of finding solutions to today’s problems and anticipating tomorrow’s needs. You should have received a copy in your school's mailbox.

    Please feel free to order a few extra by clicking below - they're FREE! 

    Get Your Copy

    We've updated the digital Buyer's Guide! If you'd like a hard copy, you can download/print the addendum by clicking below. 

    Get the addendum



    Helpful Resources

    MISBO has created a quick and easy way to view your Digital Educational Resource partners! Click the image below and see which partners you may be missing out on! 


    See All Partners!

    consortium partner hot topics Blog

    summer preparedness: ai for the 2024-25 school year

    by Sohan Choudhury, Fint

    The AI landscape in independent schools has been thriving over the last year, with hundreds of schools across the nation wholeheartedly embracing AI tools for their students and teachers — a notion which seemed unthinkable just two years ago, before the launch of ChatGPT.

    Read More

    See All Past Blogs

    Fun with purchasing blog by Susan

    Is Your summer too hot to handle? Here's some ice, ice, baby!

    by Susan Kimmel

    Summer is a critical period for independent schools as you prepare for the upcoming academic year, and it’s too hot to handle in more ways than one. Check out this remix of an old tune that is sure to cool you down when your summer projects are turning up the heat.

    Read More

    Important Links

    Search Our Consortium Partners

    Buyers Guide and Addendum

    Learn More about Digital educational resources

    Log Into The DER Ordering Portal 

    Contact Us

    As always, we are here to help you find quality products and services at exceptional prices.

    Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, thoughts, or feedback!

